Road Tripping with Mom & Dad

Mom & Dad recently went on vacation but this time I got to go along! In three years this was my very first official Delameter road trip and I was so excited.

Back in the spring Mom and Dad bought me a vacation house on wheels that they call a pop-up truck camper and named her Taquito. I LOVE going camping in Taquito. It’s very small so I can be right next to them all of the time and the bed is so fun. It’s up above so Mom & Dad lift me up each night so I get to sleep with them all night. It’s perfect. We get to go to so many fun places that we can’t go to in my main house. That’s right, I am a very spoiled dog having two houses to call my own.

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I can Swim!

After a VERY busy summer here at the resort, life is beginning to move at a slightly slower pace. To celebrate mom & dad took me TENT CAMPING. Now, you probably know we live in a lovely travel trailer, which I like to think of as my own personal safe place. Generally, when we go on our weekend trips we either stay with grandma & grandpa or friends in Portland. When we go camping in other spots we simply hook up and take our trailer with us.

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A Late Introduction ~ My Name is Ryder

My name is Ryder and I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to be the new voice of The Black Dog Chronicles! I’ve been a Delameter for nearly two years already, you know that’s nearly 14 years in dog years, but have delayed in beginning my writing career for a long time because I just wasn’t feeling so well. More about that soon.

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