One Dog’s Review – Critter Nanny Doggie Daycare

As you probably know, my parents recently headed off to Costa Rica and left me behind! Lucky for me I got to go visit my friends at Critter Nanny where I stay when they’re traveling. Although I haven’t been there since the fall of 2021, I was excited to see my friends Nancy and Jim still there to greet me.

Critter Nanny is located in the countryside near Mulino, Oregon, and has been where mom & dad used to have my black dog predecessors visit as well. Run by the lovely and accommodating Jim & Nancy, the property is just gorgeous and there are SO MANY SMELLS from all of the doggies along with cats and sometimes even birds.

The dog house is an actual HOUSE, much nicer than many people’s houses. It has individual doggie kennels with radiant heated floors, skylights, and air conditioning. It’s only because I love my family so much that I even wanted to leave.

Even more fun is that I actually made friends that I played with. When mom & dad called from Costa Rica to check on me Nancy told them I had playmates and they didn’t believe it because I’m actually very very shy and rarely meet other doggies that I want to play and explore with. Lucky for me, there were several mellow retrievers that came to stay during my 16 days at doggie camp that I actually really got along with well.

Critter Nanny has several large areas where we get to go out and play multiple times per day. We’re fed on schedule and they even gave me my special food and steroid daily so I didn’t get sick one single time!

Nancy may have thrown me under the bus and reported that I just might occasionally have a barking issue. However, because they are SO wonderful, they played soothing music for me as mom & dad do at home

Now, not every doggie can just go to Critter Nanny. Before my first trip there I had to go for an interview of sorts where they met me and determined if I was okay to come and visit. I also always have to show all of my latest vaccinations and even my latest flea & tick meds. They’re very conscientious about keeping all of the doggies and kitties there safe and healthy.

  Dog guests must be vaccinated for

  Rabies: 1-3 years

  Distemper: 1-3 years

  Parvo: 1-3 years

 Bordetella: Every 6 months (injections or nasal applications). Every 12 months (oral applications)

  Flea Treatment: Monthly (at the latest, one day before boarding)

  Must be spayed or neutered if six months of age or older.
   Please contact us about puppies.

  Any animal who wishes to board must be safefriendly, and have good bathroom manners.

I give Critter Nanny a 5*PAW review. Although I’m always happiest with mom & dad, if I do need to go to doggie camp they are the best!

Critter Nanny: Jim & Nancy: 15574 South Howards Mill Rd, Mulino, Oregon 97042


Tell them Ryder said hi!

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