As we are on the final countdown to our own life on the road, we continue to enjoy bringing you stories of other pups out there roaming the world with their parents. Next up, Emma of Together we Roam! Welcome Emma.
Please offer up a short blurb about who you are? Age? Who else is in your family?
Most say that I’m a Mini Aussie, I personally like to consider myself human. I hear my Mom say I’ll be 5 in January, feels more like 35 to me.
I’m currently living the #vandog life with my Mom and her main man – Parker. Don’t tell Mom, but I usually favor him. Most days are chalk full of naps on the bed in the back, but it’s the hiking and beach days that I love the most. That fresh salty sand on your paws … nothing beats it!!
For the Holidays we are heading back to NJ to visit Grandma, Grandpa, Sairy (12 yo Springer Spaniel) and Remi (5 yo Aussie) as well as various other barnyard animals. Remi and I share a language that is unknown to most. No one else seems to understand why I chase after him while biting at the scruff of his neck, but he does. I’d even go as far to say that he likes it!! I think we’ll also see my cousin Tela (5 yo Springer Spaniel) during Thanksgiving. She’s traveling down from Vermont.
1. Tell us a little bit about where you have traveled with your family. Have you traveled internationally? Within the US?
Most of my travels with Mom have been the drive between NJ and Chicago. Chicago is a place Mom and I lived for a few years. The snow in Chicago is like no other, although it looses it’s luster rather quickly (ask my paws). Mom says I look like a bunny when I play in it.
I know we’ve traveled near and far together, but to name all of the locations is something I may not be capable of. To be honest, it seems every van nap transport me to a new location!! Just this past month (while traveling with @togetherweroam) I’ve awoken and found myself harbor side in Baltimore, in the peaks of the Blue Ridge Mountains, basking in the Savannah sun, enjoying the breeze Florida Coast … it’s been endless. Come January we’re headed westbound to Cali and plan to spend some time in Mexico – can’t wait for that!!

Probably some of my favorite trips are the trips we take to Canada to live on Grandma and Grandpa’s boat on the St Lawrence River. Swimming, Bonfires, endless sun bathing and if I’m lucky a few table scrapes from visitors. I’d say winning, all around!!
2. What is your favorite place to travel? Do you like hiking the mountains? Running on the beach?
Hiking, Beach time, mountains, oceans, lakes, campfire nights … I love it all!! Especially when I have the freedom to roam!!
Our current journey we van camp. However Mom and I have stayed in hotels – RED ROOF INN INSTAGRAM – we’ve rented some houses as well as spent many nights in new and old friends homes!! My favorite places are the houses that don’t have any dogs. Mostly because it’s free dibs for me when I “vacuum” the kitchen.
4. Do you have a hard time finding good quality food and water on the road?
Since being on the road my Mom has stopped feeding me “the good stuff” (RAW food). However, I still get the premium dry dog food I’d get at home – C.O.R.E. – Ocean Formula. Water, not this trip. Mexico may be another story.

5. Have you had any problems with other dogs, either playing at dog parks, or street dogs when traveling?
My priority is to make as many friends as I can. If rolling over allows you to be a friend – I’m on it!! I’ve never had any issues with any other pups. Some can be a bit pestering for my liking, but I just usually walk away and find a hiding spot. One advantage of being a smaller pup.
6. What don’t you like about traveling? A different bed? Strange water?
I’m not a fan of “travel days”. Those seem to be the days I take endless naps with no adventures. My worst nightmare is watching my Mom and Parker walk away into a location I am not allowed. I guess you can say I have a bit of F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out). I like to be a part of the group 24/7. I’m not a huge fan of the super warm nights – especially those we spent in the Florida Keys – but after a few moments of severe panting, Mom relocated me right between Parker and her. They gave me the fan to lay under. Such good humans.
Thanks so much for sharing your stories from the road! We hope our paths will cross soon.
Aspen & Porter